The first FEG reflection token
BabyFEG, the son of FEG, was lost in the jungle.
He grew up living off the bananas he was surrounded by.
He later became the biggest banana dealer of the monkey world,
making him the youngest monkey billionaire, following his father.
CONTRACT : 0x5e8f1ac3930461a467c3a4fa349d7cfa6f211c8f

✓ Website V1
✓ Launch on PancakeSwap
✓ Branding elements
✓ Rise a community
✓ Start most common social platforms
✓ Influencers push
✓ 1,000 in TG group
✓ 1,000 holders

✓ Partnership with bigger influencers
✓ Poocoin ads
✓ Tech-audit
✓ Rewards calculator
✓ Team expand
✓ Meme contest
✓ 3,000 in TG group
✓ 1 million MC reached
✓ Doxxed Dessert Finance audit
✓ Listing on CoinGecko
Wild life conservation wallet (for monkeys, gorillas, tree planting…)
Social network expansion
2,500 holders
Listing on CoinMarketCap

Audit Certik
Website V2
Partnership with nonprofit organizations (animals,
environmental protection…)
Large marketing campaign
DEX listing (FEGex…)
BabyFEG NFTs collection
CEX listing
Advertising billboard displays
10,000 in TG group
10 millions MC reached
10,000 holders
BabyFeg swap
Partnership with celebrities

BabyFEG video game (connected to blockchain)
VR app to visualize Babyfeg NFTs
100 millions + MC reached
Huge contests (banana lambo…)
BabyFEG Foundation
and more to be announced...
Token Metrics
Transaction Fees
Buy & Sell Tax: 15%
are used to purchase FEG which is automatically paid out in dividends to holders.
are marketing funds to promote the token in a large public.
on liquidity.
Total Supply
Total FEG distributed:
Any proposal ?
Because Babyfeg is based on solid fundamentals, we decided to trust our investors. Here is a form
on which you can present your ideal for the future of BabyFegtoken. Everyone’s proposals will be studied
and we will try to select themost relevant ideas.
Frequently Asked Questions
You can find the contract address on the main website or copy paste from below.
Contract Address: 0x5e8f1ac3930461a467c3a4fa349d7cfa6f211c8f
You can find details of the token metrics on our main website posted below.
BabyFEG website: babyfeg.io
Yes! BabyFeg’s contract has been renounced, the liquidity has been locked, the team has had two audits done, they have been doxxed by Dessert Finance as well as audited by Tech-Audit. Links to those are posted above.
The redistribution of rewards varies depending on volume and the total amount that you have.
If there is low volume expect to wait a little bit longer period of time usually within 24 – 48 hours for each distribution.
Once the volume picks up you may receive rewards more frequently up to two or three times a day!
Yes, the minimum amount of tokens required to begin collecting rewards is 200,000 BabyFEG tokens.
Rewards are distributed automatically to your wallet so no need to manually claim.
However if you wish you may claim rewards by buying as little as 1 BabyFEG token.
There are a couple ways you can keep track of your rewards.
● Download the FEGtrack app from the ios store or the google play store.
Simply paste your wallet address in the app and your rewards should show.
● You can also use your web browser and go to either FEGstats or FEGtrack.
Links to these are posted below.
FEGtrack web: https://fegtrack.app/
FEGstats: https://fegstats.com/#/
We have a rewards calculator that allows you to plug in any specific 24hr volume along with your total token amount which
will calculate your rewards over time.
BabyFeg rewards calculator: https://babyfeg.io/rewards-calculator/
With every purchase of BabyFEG 7% of that buys FEGtoken and redistributes it to the holders so with every transaction
we are helping to burn the total supply of FEG thus helping decrease the total amount of circulating tokens,allowing for positive
price pressure to increase the value of FEGtoken over time.
We are not an official FEGtoken partner, however we do support the FEGtoken project and are a helping hand in its ecosystem.
This is to prevent whales from purchasing too much of the supply which could have a negative effect on the price if they decided
to dump.
Yes! The third largest holder which contains 2% of the supply is the charity wallet which will be used to donate to PASA
(Pan African Sanctuary Alliance) to help our gorilla families in need.